When morning came, we quickly filled in her IACRA
application and headed to Doug's place. I left them
alone for the Oral and hung out in the FBO...North Iowa
Air. After nervously pacing for a while, I saw her
taxi past, and it was then that I knew the Oral test went
satisfactorily well.
As they flew, I tracked them and watched all of the
maneuvers. I could sometimes tell exactly what they
were doing by the airspeed and path they were
flying. Every maneuver that was passed, I smiled,
knowing that it was one more that must have been completed
Sure enough, the report was a glowing report. She
had done very well on the oral, and had really pleased him
on the practical as well. I knew she had it in her, if she
could only calm her nerves. :) We wrapped it up, and
got some lunch, and then it was time to head out for
home. By that time there were a couple of lines of
scattered storms headed towards home, so we zipped through
a clear path to the front side of the storm line, where we
could quickly get ahead of it for the 1 hour trip
home. We cruised at 9,500' on the hot day, in cool
smooth air, next to billowing clouds. As we neared
home, you could see a monster of a storm cell coming from
the west, making the entire area dark, but we stayed well
ahead of it.