OSH 2017

July 2017

As we approached OSH this year we had a few logistical hurdles to clear, and that got us re-thinking the bringing of 2 airplanes to the show.  In 2016, we brought both, but only flew the RV-14 once we were on-site.  I didn't want to go thru the added hassle and expense of bringing the RV-10 just to have it sit all week this year, and since Danielle doesn't yet have her pilots certificate, it limited what I wanted to do for the show.  We kept our usual routine of having a couple of people show up a day or two early so that we could fly over together as a group, which is always a high point in my OSH week.  This time, however, our family was spread out between 3 different planes, with Danielle and I flying in for her first flight into Airventure!

The weather was typical unpredictable Airventure week weather, so we had some clouds and rain that were interfering with our trip.  There was only one poor area on the way to KOSH and well before we reached RIPON we were greeted to nice high ceilings and good conditions.  The camp was one of our favorite setups yet, despite being further from the flightline.  I won't drag on with many details as the pictures speak for themselves in most cases, but needless to say it was an excellent year at OSH.  Great weather, nice temperatures, and the same awesome people we hang out with every year.  We had a couple of good formation flights in and out during the show, which is one of my favorite week's pastimes, and got lucky enough that Danielle even got to do the infamous NOTAM 18R approach, something we've come to know as the "Jack Roush" approach, after his crash on field. It's probably the most challenging, and most fun arrivals into OSH, and I got to watch my girl fly it nearly perfectly.  She was cleared to land after the pink dot...here's the video:

As usual, the time flew by way too quickly, and the week came to an end without me doing half of the things I had wanted to do during the week.  But, it was a year of extra relaxation, our pilgrimage to Red Granite to swim, eating at our favorite restaurants, and doing most of our favorite things.  While there were several new products at OSH this year, really nothing was eye catching and groundbreaking on my hit list.  One of our huge bonus's of the week was that we got to see the night airshow two nights, and we got to see the Blue Angels two days.  It was all in all an incredible OSH!

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